Week 9

Sorry to all the Learn Kurmanji fans out there this post is late because I was doing a college visit yesterday. 

This week I took notes for Lesson 8 and completed the exercises. Lesson 8 consisted of Present Perfect Tense and Pluperfect in the transitive and intransitive. In Kurdish both of these grammar concepts operate similarly to their English counterparts. The formation of these tenses is very similar to the past with transitive verbs still changing the subject to the oblique and agreeing with the object in the sentence as well as both intransitive and transitive verbs using the past tense verb stem. The only major difference is that in Kurmanji the Present Perfect Tense is also used for narration and hearsay. I also continued to expand my anki Kurmanji vocabulary deck. Right now I'm starting to read Lesson 9 and I'm planning out which other grammar anki decks I want to do and on which days this week. Next week I plan on finishing lessons 9 & 10 along with anything I need to for my April Deliverable. I think I'm roughly two thirds of the way with reaching my project goals. 

Lesson 8 Grammar notes

Lesson 8 Exercise


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