March Deliverables

I was able to complete almost all of my deliverables for March. This includes lessons 4-7 of the Kurmanji Kurdish for the Beginners book, a few anki grammar lessons (not all of the ones I had planned on and I'll touch on it later), and 200 cards of my anki vocab deck. With the first full month into learning Kurmanji complete I feel much more confident about being able to learn the language. What seemed very unnatural to me at first is almost second nature now. Almost every verb has the same consistent conjugation pattern which alone has probably shaved a month off the learning time required. I've also learned this month that the language shares quite a few French cognates. Presumably because France colonized and occupied the area where Kurmanji is spoken. This has also helped me with a few words because I've been taking French for 4 years. 

My deliverables stated that I wished to complete anki lessons 4,6,7,8, and 9.
4 & 6 were completed and 7 was completed as part of the vocab deck because there was only vocab for that lesson. 

Lesson 8 is when I ran into trouble. As you can see I was only able to complete a portion of this exercise and wasn't able to complete 9. This is because I do not yet have the vocabulary needed to complete these lessons. I did my best to complete the ones I knew but at the end of the day if I don't know the gender of a noun or what the noun is then I can't construct the izafe. I will solve this problem next month as my lessons shift to focus more on vocabulary and I'll be able to knock these out. This doesn't hinder my goals as I still understand the grammar concept itself and can apply it when I know the vocab. Next month lesson 8 and 9 will be completed with the other deliverables. 

Kurmanji Vocab Anki Deck:

Notes and Exercises from the Kurmanji Kurdish for the Beginners book lessons 4, 6, 7:


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