Week 11
This week I started on the working outline for the mini documentary about Rojava and I started to really narrow down what things I want to speak about. The mini documentary will serve as an introduction to the region and to the development of the political system there. I want the viewer to end the video feeling like they learned something and interested in learning more. I feel pretty confident about my abilities to speak on this system and it's ideological basis. I have read a few books about it and have spoken with people participating within it. I also found a few good youtube videos which I can get clips for the video from. Unfortunately I don't think I'll have the time to fly out to North East Syria and capture any original footage for this project so I'll mostly be relying on whatever videos I can find online. I think I'm about 80% complete with this project. Next week I want to have my script mostly written out and I will get a workflow for making the mini documentary setup.
Here is a video I found that has lots of footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDnenjIdnnE&t=1s
I also know of a TV series in Rojava called The New International which has a lot of B roll footage.
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