Week 7

I was slow to work on my project this week and I didn't get as much done as I had hoped. I read through the next lesson of the Kurmanji Kurdish for the Beginners book which covers how to conjugate verbs in the past and present perfect but I didn't take any notes or start the exercises for Lesson 8. I did however continue to expand my vocabulary by adding more words to my anki vocabulary deck. Next week I want to start, and hopefully finish, lesson 8 and it's associated exercises. Next week I'll also continue to add to my Kurmanji vocab anki deck and maybe complete a couple of the grammar anki decks along with it. As far as morale goes I've definitely gotten a bit of senioritis going on. I'm finding it more and more difficult to work on any of my schoolwork as I move further into the second semester. I'd say I'm about 50% done with the project. 

Here is my progress in my anki Kurmanji vocab deck


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