Week 6

 This week I finished lesson 7 which mostly focused on the formation of verbs in the future tense. There are three different ways to express the future depending on whether or not the verb is transitive or continuous. I also continued to work on my Kurdish vocabulary anki deck and my Kurdish grammar anki decks. Right now I'm mostly focused on building my vocabulary and next week I'll dive into lesson 8 in the Kurmanji Kurdish for the Beginners book. I feel like I'm on track to complete everything I wanted to by the end of the year and I feel much more confident with learning and understanding things in Kurmanji. I thought that learning the language would be much harder than it has been. While there are still many things which I don't understand, the free resources and kind people I've found online have helped tremendously. I think that I'm about 40% of the way done with my project and I can't wait until I can actually start applying more of the things I'm learning. 

Lesson 7 Exercises 

Lesson 7 grammar notes


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