Week 5 Update

 This week went better than last and I completed lessons 5 and 6 in my Kurmanji Kurdish for the Beginners book. I learned how to use the future tense for verbs, how to use the comparative and superlative, and how to use the subjunctive. Mazlum also taught me a new way of saying thank you. Mala te ava. Which literally means may your house prosper. I also completed lessons 4,6,7 in my Kurmanji grammar anki deck collection. Right now I'm working on expanding my vocabulary with my vocab anki deck and I've started lesson 7 in my book. Next week I plan on finishing lesson 7 and other work associated with my March deliverables. I plan on taking the rest of the week to take a short break (while still maintaining my vocab using anki) and focus on other work. I feel confident that I'll be able to finish everything needed for my next deliverable over this weekend but I definitely should've been doing more work earlier in the month. I think I'm about of a third of the way done with this project as of now.

Some notes and exercises from this week. 


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