Week 2 Update

 This week I dove into the structure of Kurmanji verbs and finished up everything to meet the February 1st deliverable. I have finished memorizing Kurmanji numbers and can count into the milliards. Verbs in Kurdish work very differently then English. 

The word starts with a prefix denoting it's tense. Then there's the stem which lets you know what the verb is, verbs have different stems for the past and present. Then there is the ending which correlates with the subject. The ending is the same for most verbs and it is the same as expressing "to be" which makes learning verbs in Kurmanji much easier than some other languages I've tackled in the past. 

Next week I plan on finishing the next lesson in the book and I'm going to work on getting these verb stems memorized. I also had the idea to label objects around my house with the Kurmanji word as an extra way to fit the vocabulary into my everyday life. I am also thinking about changing my phone's language to Kurmanji for the same reason. 

Learning that Kurmanji nouns have genders was a little demoralizing this week but I think I can live with getting a few word endings wrong because I should still be understood for the most part. I'd say I'm about 15% of the way to getting to my end goal and I'm still enjoying the process. 


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